24 Hour Crisis Line
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:00pm Office phone: 701-845-0078
160 - 2nd St NW, Valley City ND 58072
Confidential Crisis Intervention, Advocacy, Support, Counseling, Emergency Shelter
Regardless of actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, political beliefs or affiliations, disability, marital status, public assistance status, or class.
APOC is committed to providing crisis intervention, support and counseling services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assualt, and to promoting educational and prevention programs that are the catalyst in facilitating change in societal attitudes and behaviors.
Contact APOC to find out what resources are right for you. APOC also provides: Training - Public Education/Presentations - Information & Referral Services - Volunteer Opportunities
Domestic Violence/Rape Crisis Links:
ND Rape & Abuse Service Providers Map
Dating Violence Information and Resources
National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health
National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life
National Sexual Violence Resource Center
North Dakota Council on Abused Women's Services
Office on Violence Against Women
Sexual Violence - Centers for Disease Control
The National Domestic Violence HOTLINE
North Dakota Self Help Center - information, instructions & forms about court processes, court rules, court forms and legal terms
* Court Forms for Self-Represented Parties
South Central Transit Network: 701-845-4300
Victim Connect Resource Center
Marcy's Law - Victim's Rights
VINELink - ND - a free, secure, and confidential way to access custody status and criminal case information. Register for notifications and stay informed.
Reporting Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect - any person can report suspected child abuse or neglect by calling ND's reporting line: 1-833-958-3500
Law Enforcement:
Barnes County Sheriffs Office: 701-845-8530
Griggs County Sheriffs Office: 701-797-3911
Steele County Sheriffs Office: 701-524-2742
Valley City Police Department: 701-845-3110
Nearby Crisis Centers & Shelters:
Abuse Resource Network - Lisbon, ND
Rape & Abuse Crisis Center - Fargo, ND
Safe Shelter - Jamestown, ND
CVIC - Grand Forks, ND
YWCA Cass County - Women's Shelter (Fargo)
Churches United for the Homeless (Moorhead)